Battering Intervention Programs (BIP)

Training and Standards

The NMCADV has contributed to the creation of standards for programs known as Domestic Violence Offender Treatment and Intervention (DVOTI) or Battering Intervention Programs (BIP) in New Mexico since 2013. Through a grant from the Children Youth and Families Department (CYFD) Domestic Violence Unit, the NMCADV provides training and technical assistance for facilitators of offender programs. Please join our email list to stay apprised of upcoming training opportunities.

Battering Intervention Task Force

Whether programs for those who commit domestic violence are effective has lately become a topic of exploration. The New Mexico legislature passed a Senate Memorial Bill during the 2015 session to create a task force charged with studying various aspects of these programs, commonly known as offender treatment or battering intervention (BIP) programs.

The task force met monthly between June-November 2015. A final report containing Task Force findings and recommendations (summaries below) was submitted to the Health and Human Services Committee of the NM legislature. The group is co-chaired by the Children Youth and Families Department (CYFD) and the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NMCADV).

Experts from across the US and Canada presented their research and information to task force members. A task force steering committee reviewed, analyzed, and summarized the presentations for task force members.

Looking for BIP Training Videos?


Children’s Project


Companion Animal Rescue Effort (CARE)